Saturday, July 14, 2012

Finding My Little Pice of Home...One Moment at a Time

Finding My Little Piece of Home…One Moment at a Time

Leaving Wilmington isn’t the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but it certainly hasn’t been the most pleasant either.  Wilmington has been my home for the past ten years.  Having grown up in a military (aka traveling) family, I’ve never known a home to be a location for any length of time.  For the most part, as a child and even as a teenager, I appreciated this lifestyle and enjoyed the diversity that it added to my life.  This, however, has been a very different experience.

I moved to Wilmington fresh out of high school when I was eighteen years old.  When somebody asks, “where did you grow up?” I give one of two answers… “I was in a military family…so everywhere,”  or as I’ve newly come to understand, “I lived in Wilmington from 18 to 28 and THAT is when you REALLY grow up.”  It’s true.  That’s where my life seemed to begin.  College, a career, a passion (which has since almost faded from my life) for surfing and the ocean altogether, a teaching job that I learned so much from, my husband, our children, our church and some of the very best friends for which a girl could ask.

(Please forgive me if I failed to put a picture of you in here...if you are in my life in Wilmington and I love you then I hope you know I love you! These were just some of my most recent pictures I had for the blog) 
No, leaving Wilmington has not been easy.  There are so many things I miss about that place…It’s a place filled with so many very special memories.  I miss knowing people when we are out and about.  I miss knowing how to get from point A to point B without taking a wrong turn. I miss having favorite spots.  I miss walking down the street and knowing our neighbors by name.  I miss our church, where we were members our entire marriage and attended regularly before that.  I miss the ocean air and the atmosphere of being at the beach.  I miss our sidewalks. I miss knowing where every gas station was, where the grocery stores were, the back roads to any place I wanted to get to. I miss going to El Cerro Grande and having a favorite server.  I miss quick trips to The Fuzzy Peach.  I miss pulling into my favorite access at Kure Beach.  I miss the river.  I miss the sunset.  I miss our tiny quaint little house jammed packed with memories.  I miss my friends.  I miss my children’s friends (aka my friend’s children J)  I miss feeling local.  I miss a sense of security that ‘home’ seemed to offer. I miss my impromptu adventures with friends and play dates with friends…

It’s been difficult.  We’ve been in Kernersville for one month today and I’m still missing all of those things listed above.  I’m making an effort as best as I can, but I miss all of those things.  I go out on little ‘adventures’ and sometimes feel so defeated by this place as I make a wrong turn and wonder where I am. This house is beautiful and we are fortunate, but what I realized I miss the most about our old house is that it was filled with memories…memories that this place hasn’t had the opportunity to experience.
First Movie Night

Playing in the front yard

First 'cook out' on July 4th

Trying the new park

Ms. Mary's Annual Childrens Parade

Enjoying the new "playroom"

A little cooking...

I have no doubt that this will continue to be difficult for some time to come, but what I know is this…That old saying, “Home is where the heart is” has to be true. I hope that we will quickly fill this house and town with beautiful and fond memories.  Just last night Nathan was giving Asher & Nolan a bath and I heard Nathan playing with them and the boys were squealing and laughing and I saw a glimpse of hope.  They ARE my heart.  Those three people (and that one little girl growing inside of me) are my everything and they are here…which means THIS MUST BE THE BEST PLACE FOR ME!   

1 comment:

  1. I love this quote..

    Don't miss the journey...for the desination!

    I can imagine...some lovely moments with a precious little girl .."princess" Perhaps TEA together at the local TEA HOUSE in her frilly pink polka dot dress! I think, there may just be..some VERY special moments to come in your new home...

    Friends and Family will visit...and EACH visit will be memories even more cherished as you await the next visit...

    and as you long a you have eachother...HOME IS WHERE THE HEART IS..
    and HOME is where the journey's begin! This is just one of many in your life as a "family"...

    You all are close...always at HOME right our HEARTS.

    Love you all!
