Thursday, April 21, 2011


I don't know what my problem is, but it has been far too long since I've last written.  I'd catch you up, but I wouldn't know where to start.  Plus, I'd probably end up quitting right in the middle anyway.  So, rather than quitting, I will just start from here!

If you have any children, you may know all too well what I'm about to describe.  And if you have TWINS, like a few of my followers, I know for sure you know all about it!

Mealtime in the past few weeks has become somewhat of a complete disaster.  One of my most recent facebook comments read, "Feeding time has turned into a sport - requiring determination and skill and precision...a unique combination of wrestling, yoga basketball, karate (self defense), and aerobics as I jump around like a fool trying to smooth things over...not to mention we might as well all just take a bath after it's over! (All three of us were covered in carrots!)" And it's true! 

Of all of the moments one might consider ultimately frustrating when raising twins, I would've never guessed this would be at the top of my list.  The constant crying as newborns - didn't bother me.  The pooping out of the diaper and onto my clothes - didn't bother me.  The choir of crying that continued in unison as they got a little older (though it was seldom) - didn't bother me.  The whining, the (very occasional) tantrum,...not even the biting during the nursing!  THIS, however, makes me feel absolutely insane! 

Because of Asher's eczema, I have been slow and careful about the introduction of foods because I never quite could tell what was food related and what wasn't.  I know that they should've had a broader range of foods introduced before now, but what can I do about that today? 

They are in the middle of what I would like to call "a state of confusion"  They want to feed themselves finger foods, but then once I allow them to do that they are unhappy with the result of the food in their mouth. (What I would assume is an unfamiliar texture)  Me trying to spoon feed them goes something like this...I start out determined to stay cheerful and keep positive, but as the food nears their mouths they shut their mouths so tightly it seems I would need a security code to get past it, their heads go back, bodies arched and here it comes...the squeal.  What do I do? Put on my cheery face again and say, "Come on let's eat.  It's really yummy. Mommy made you something extra special today!"  Desperate, I resort to the airplane noises, the boat, and any kind of high pitched noise I can muster up.  The spoon heads back in the direction of the mouth....and....we repeat the process all over again.  Let's not fail to mention the spitting and sneezing which result in an explosion of food. 

Alright, now that I've got that out.  Let me tell you that 99 % of the time our children really are a delight.  They are well behaved and generally happy.  I do not EVER want to be that person that complains about their children or referrs to them in any negative way.  I appreciate our children and am filled with thankfulness for them on a daily basis. 

Now that I've got that cleared up I should tell you that things are getting better.  I have let the reigns loose a little and have been giving them some new foods that they can eat themselves.  In the past week they have been able to feed themselves pancakes, scrambled egg yolk, a grilled cheese sandwich, toast, toasted engglish muffin with butter and some organic ducks (don't worry - not real duck...sort of like goldfish)  as well as the usual cheerios, puffs, cheese and dried apple bites. 

So, as I remind myself frequently in somewhat difficult times...It's just a phase.  It's not going to last forever.  (Before I know it, my babies aren't going to be babies any longer!) 

This is a picture of Asher at the Cole Brother's Circus.  I took it as the main lights went down, the circus lights came up and the announcer came out.  Priceless!

1 comment:

  1. That first picture IS PRICELESS...after reading caption for the first photo

    WINK...aaaah it's okay Mommy...

    as you's just a phase and we want you to REMEMBER every little detail of us... We especially like the airplane noises..but a train would be good too...Whooo..ooooh...oooh.

    Love and Hugs
