Tuesday, September 6, 2011

One Word

“Write one word to describe this person.”These are directions that have the potential to have a profound impact on yourself or somebody else. 
Tonight I went to the Ladies Meeting (Peacemakers) at our church.  The above directions were given to the ladies.  We each wrote our name on a piece of paper, put it in a bowl, drew somebody else’s name out of the bowl and had to write down one or two words to describe this person.  Then, we went around the room to share what we had written about the person.  When my name was read the word that was chosen was simply, “Stylish.”  At first thought, especially given the troubles I’ve had with my SAHM wardrobe, this was a bit of a compliment.  However, after only a few seconds of this sinking in my eyes begin to well with tears as I realized just what this meant….
Here I sat in a room full of Christian women, at a church I’ve been going to for about five years, professing to be a Christian myself, having asked Jesus Christ into my life to live and reign over my life, to serve, honor and love Him…and “stylish” was all I became?  I seriously began to question my walk with the Lord and my testimony to those around me.  Let me be very clear in saying that I’m not angry at this person or the person that organized this activity, in fact, if anything, I am grateful.  In my opinion, anything that makes you look a little deeper is a great thing, even if (like was said at the meeting) the truth hurts. 
Being that this blog is called “Mommy’s Perspective” I feel it necessary to relate this to my mommyness as well.  If I am living a life for the Lord and not even the people that I go to church with can see that, then something is very seriously flawed.  What word would my children use to describe me? I believe our first ministry is our family.  Are my husband and I living the kind of life where our children know that we love and serve the Lord?  A life that teaches them a biblical set of standards? 
What about strangers on the street?  My husband?  My family? My friends on facebook? My blog readers?  What word would these people use to describe me?  Have I lost my testimony for the Lord somewhere along the way?  I’m sure we’ve all heard that actions speak louder than words.  What actions have I done or not done to lock in somebody’s opinion about me? 
I pray that from this moment forward that the Lord will guide me on a straighter and narrower path to honor Him….that next time somebody has to use one word to describe me in one word phrase they might say “Christian” or “God Honoring” (or something that remotely speaks highly of the character that the Lord has taught me). 
What word would people use to describe you?  Is it a word that you are satisfied with?  A word to be proud of? 


  1. Love this...really makes me think about my own life and walk with the Lord. Thanks Molly!

  2. Such a blessed post, Molly.

    That ONE word can make all the difference..as you said. CHRISTIAN. It says everything about us. Little Christ. A follower of Christ ways.

    There are stillmany words that describe us all however....

    YOU... CHRISTIAN...shown by your faith in him in time of firey trials... a loving=faithful mommy (your ministry)...
    diligent...practical...helpmeet...friend and witness of Christ...

    I've watched your walk with the LORD and your growth since trusting Christ...and I see in one word a young lady..

    That LOVES the LORD.

    MOM "E"
