Saturday, November 13, 2010

Changes Changes Everywhere

Sometime...When I blinked my (newly rested) little eyes...Asher & Nolan grew up.  It's happening before my very eyes at rates faster than I approve of, but here it is.  Each day I look into those beautiful brown eyes and realize they are just a little more "grown" than they were the day before.  I'm thankful for my two healthy precious baby boys, but I do wish that they would stop growing.  Lots of changes have come our way.  I don't know that I have photos that capture each of them, but I'll try to remember to fill you in on all of the recent events.

The above picture was taken at the Railroad Museum.  I quickly learned that Asher LOVES trains.  He kicked his legs, flung his arms and squealed with delight every time the little model trains would go around the track.  It was so cute. (Why don't they make Thomas toys for children under 18 months?  That makes me a little sad.)
Asher is such a wonderfully happy little baby!  He's discovering that he can stand.  He (and Nolan) can grab onto my hands and pull themselves up to a standing position and stay there with little support for quite some time...but I don't trust that they won't topple over.  Here's one of my favorite pictures of Asher standing in front of his over sized and overstimulating toy. 

I LOVE these outfits!  My little babies are turning into little boys..sniff...sniff..

Nolan is the master roller.  Almost as soon as you place him on his back he decides he needs to roll over and see what's going on.  He's almost mastered rolling off of the changing table...I keep telling him he's not allowed to do that, but I don't think he understands what "not allowed" means just yet.  He's rolling everywhere.  When I walk out of the room to change Asher's diaper, I often come back to find Nolan completely on the other side of the room...and trying desperately to crawl somewhere.  He can get on his knees to get ready to crawl.  He can kick his feet hard enough that he moves...but he can't quite figure out what to do with his head and his hands.  He's going to be crawling before I know it, I'm just sure of it. 

This little man now has TWO teeth!  Yes, both of his bottom teeth have broken through the gums and are easily visible!  That's certainly the markings of a "big boy."  He's done such a good job with these teeth!

Everything is cuter in twos....I see it day after day.  One little thing suddenly becomes incredibly adorable when there are two babies doing it!  This photo is absolutely precious to me!  You know my babies have got to love books!

I know I have said a million times over and over, but I am so thankful to be able to be here with these boys and enjoy every moment with them!  They bring such an amazing joy to my life and I hope that I will always add something to theirs!


  1. I ADORE the reading the book pic! How absolutely CUTE!!!

    "Hey..bro..lookie over at that big blue birdie!"

    Liking trains runs in the family! I LOVE trains..and rode them often as a child with my grandpa!! We have a train set already waiting for the boys..nice to know that Asher is already set to enjoy it.

    HUGS to you little precious boys!

  2. and Nolan says:

    "I like the Tiger Kitty on the other page!"

  3. love the pics and those outfits are really cute! Auntie needs to read to them very soon! xo
