Monday, November 22, 2010

Fall is Here...And the Leaves Aren't The Only Things Changing...

 Fall has finally arrived.  It happened overnight.  It makes me think about our children and how, just like the leaves, they seem to change overnight.  This weekend we will be celebrating Asher and Nolan's HALF BIRTHDAY!  (I sounds a little over the top, but I think that's a reason to celebrate - when this time last year I was praying that we would have two healthy babies...and not long before that wondering if we would ever know the blessings of having say...That's a lot to celebrate!  God has certainly blessed us in ways I never even knew possible.
 After about six weeks of searching for the perfect high chair for our table, we ended up with our last choice!  We have a pub style table (aka a high one) and we wanted our precious little boys to be able to sit AT the table with us.  The first one we purchased allowed them to sit underneath the table :) - which wasn't quite what we were looking for.  I guess this isn't so bad.  We are finally eating dinner together as a family and Nathan and I actually get to eat...and not end up holding a baby while trying to quickly and creatively shovel food into our mouths.  Asher and Nolan really seem to enjoy this new process! 
 Have you heard?!  Asher has TWO teeth!  He doesn't eat his fingers as much anymore...but they're still a favorite snack :)
 He LOVES to stand!
 Nolan is a very clean eater.  It's pretty cute!
I don't know why, but I just love this picture.  I guess it's because (as I'm sure you could have predicted) in the absence of my Daddy, I continually realize more and more just how precious each little moment is.  I'm so thankful that I am FINALLY learning this.  It has taken me 27 years and a very tragic event to finally appreciate the little things....I don't need some "event" to make a special memory...just the people I love!  And boy do I love these people!!!!


  1. I can HEAR the giggles and the smacking from that you wrote ...his fingers are still a favorite SNACK! too funny!

    They are soooo CUTE...and yes, like Brady..changing every day OH MY! Sounds like the cousins are keeping up with eachother!

    Precious moments...embedded in your hearts..don't worry they stay!! I KNOW!!


  2. Hi Asher, Hi you get to eat at the table too? Mommy says I have to eat there too because it's family time...I think it's great. I hope we get to play together really soon, mommy tells me how cute you are but I don't think I'm suppose to say that??...Anyhow, I'll save a spot for you at my table if you're ever hungry and near my house! Bye guys!
