Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Day 1

Taking a family walk - A special moment I would've previously overlooked....
So...My wonderful husband bought me a wonderful birthday present!  Since the middle of my pregnancy I have had a peaked interest in photography. 

I've always loved pictures, but knowing that I was going to have two precious baby boys to photograph really drew me in.  Nathan bought me a nice it's a million pictures a day and lots of learning to take good pictures. 

I'm learning that even this...doing time to appreciate

I think the combination of pictures and this new blog will help me slow down and enjoy each little moment that the Lord is allowing me to be a part of. 
So...apparently, Nathan is going to be the awesome photographer instead of me...At least that means I'll get some cute pics with my boys :) 


  1. Oh My...and is that last photo not the CUTEST...EEEEE...VER!!! Lookie at that SMILE (on Asher!! hee hee)PRECIOUS...

    and dad walking the boys...a photo treasure. will be very fulfilling as you capture and journal..LIFE...and some of your most fulfilling moments...cherished moments!!

    Can't wait to see more of your new Hobby...and what great models you have!


  2. awww... what a cute little face! Least it's the mommy and the kids that get photographed, I think Jason gets all the credit for being a wonderful dad, he's the only one ever in the pics with the kids!

  3. I'm doing handstands and jumping jacks because YOU HAVE A BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

    So cute! I'm so happy and feel privileged to follow you in your journey. I'm here for you if you ever need anything or anyone! You're an amazing person and I love talking to you!

