Saturday, September 11, 2010

Life's Simple Pleasure

It's a widely known fact that babies are cute.  Babies can do just about anything under the sun and it's "just sooo cute."  Add the adoring (and slightly annoying) new mom (that would be me) of the baby and the baby becomes even more adorable....

I've always loved to watch babies play.  It is fascinating how each day my boys are learning something new, experiencing something for the first time, whether it is a sight, smell, sound or feeling.  This week the boys got some new toys, which was exciting as we haven't really purchased too many toys for them...(since they've been born). 
Asher held this soft book all the way around the block during our walk.  I think he likes listening to the sound it makes when he touches it.  Nolan toyed around with this teething ring for awhile making several silly faces as he has not felt anything like this in his mouth before.  This sleepy time book may be a new favorite.  For the first two nights Nolan was being super silly with this book.  Every time I would finish reading a page he would stop nursing, look up at me and laugh.  I have to say, it made it rather difficult to read the story...but I enjoyed every page...and so did Nolan. 

What's this at the end of my leg?

I really can't believe I caught this on camera.  Asher and Nolan have found their hands and taken them straight to their mouths.  Very recently they have found their hands visually, which I probably find just as fascinating as they do.  Well, this photo captures Nolan finding his feet.  He's just noticed that there's something attached to the end of his leg and it's moving!  So...what does any smart baby do?  Moves it again and again and watches with fascination!  This is the purest form of enjoying the simple things in life and I believe my son has just taught me a lesson! 

QUESTION: Why do parents do stupid things to their kids just because they think it's funny?



  1. too much cuteness on one page!!!! I love all the pics...having a camera actually makes me WANT to get out and do things go places so I have a good excuse to take MORE pics.... haha

  2. That answer was PERFECT!!! hee hee...loved it!

    Great pics of everyone...and how wonderful that it is a hobby for MOM and DAD!!! You will be amazed at the things/people etc you will photograph. Like close ups of their favorite toys!

