Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I love my job!

I love my job!  I remember when I found out I was pregnant.  (Well that's different blog post entirely...)  Nathan and I continually discussed child care options.  Actually, we discussed this long before I ever became pregnant and each time I remember the feeling I had of MISSING OUT on my child's life. The thought of it would make me cry. Well, when we found out we were going to have TWO babies, I think it changed the scenario just a bit. 

Today I called a child care center because I was curious as to what it would cost for us to put our children in day care if I were to work full time.  Umm.... One thousand, two hundred and sixty dollars per month! 

This week Nathan started a new job with "regular" hours.  So, now I'm really trying to figure out this wife and mom thing....and loving every minute of it. Those of you that have never done it probably think I sit on the couch all day and eat twinkies and watch soap operas.  Let me be the first to tell you that I don't sit down unless I'm nursing babies or on the floor playing with babies.  There is no laying down on the couch all day indulging in daytime television or even a good book.  I must admit, I knew that it would be difficult, but I really never guessed it would be such hard work.  I know that many of you are still thinking..."hard work...I'll tell you about hard work..."  But..those of you who have done it know just what I'm talking about. 

I've worked outside of the home as a teacher with 25 students in my class...I've got to tell you, that was easier. 
Let me add...Those of you that work and take care of your children....I'm not sure how you manage all of that either..Hats off to you!

The responsibility that I feel as a wife and mother sometimes surprises me.  As a wife, who is not "working" I feel even more responsibile to take care of the cooking, cleaning, errands and general well being of the home.  As a mother (of two babies) I want to spend all the time I can with them because I see just how fast it is passing by.  When they are awake I want to be playing, reading, singing, and being silly with them.  I feel very guilty doing anything else when they are awake....which is most of the day :D 

Yes, it can be challenging
When I get through the day and the boys have been happy for the most part, the house is pretty clean and dinner is one the table when my husband arrive home from work...I feel so successful. 

I really feel so blessed that I have a husband that supports the idea of me staying home with our children and is willing to work hard and possibly make some sacrafices in order to make that happen.  I know that I am so lucky to be able to do this and I can't imagine it any other way!

When I was working as a teacher I desired to give 100% of myself to my family.  Now, I can do that and it feels so good.  Afterall...who would want to miss this...


  1. A WONDERFUL post Molly!! Praise the LORD for your heart of love for your children..husband and wanting to be the wife and mother God desires as well. The HOME is a refuge for the man who is out in the WORLD all nice to come home to all that you have written.

    The video is those giggles!! and glees of are so right...Who would want to miss this and all the blessings to come!

    God bless you!

  2. I'm so glad you love your new job! I love mine too, and yes I'm very proud and blessed to have a wonderful husband who allows me to keep this wonderful job...I need to tell him more :) love you and love love love the lil video of Asher xoxoxoxoxo
