Thursday, October 28, 2010

The BEST Memories

"The best memories are not perfectly planned or created...they just happen..."

My dad was well known for "living life to the fullest" and living in the moment.  He was one of the few men I know that enjoyed the simple things in life.  This is not a skill that I have mastered as I have shared in previous posts.  I am a planner, an organizer with a color coded life mapped out in detail in my planner.  This is not something I'm proud of and it is something I am slowing trying to move away from. 

Though my dad is gone, he continues to teach me new things each day, even in his absence.  I've realized that when I am driving down the road or walking aimlessly somewhere that memories of my dad come to me.  These are not the big know, not the ones that would be mapped out on the calendar they are the little moments in our lives that remain with me always.  They are phone calls, funny moments, silly quirks....just little moments that I never realized would mean so much to me.  I've been jotting them down as they come to me in the hopes that I will never let myself forget them.

But as I do this, I realize that I don't need BIG PLANS to make BIG and Lasting Memories with my family...I just need a willing heart to live in each moment and cherish it for all that it's worth. 
An "action" shot of Nolan rolling over!  He loves to be on his belly.  A moment in grand production...just this little second where I feel so proud of my son to see that he is learning and growing and accomplishing new things each day.  This is the stuff my dad would've loved to see! 
Who knew sleep could be so sweet.  First they were playing and smiling and then just a few short moments later we have this....He's all cuddled up with Daddy and it's about the cutest thing I've ever seen....Priceless moments like this that become the cherished ones...

I hope that I can do as my dad has wanted me to all these years..."Relax baby. You gotta just learn to enjoy life." 


  1. TEARS....the photo also of Nathan and Asher is indeed PRICELESS...Asher looks like he is cuddling his favorite teddy bear..

    Rolling over!! OH cute to capture the moment with your camera!

    I know the moments you speak of Molly...I have these with my children all grown no matter the distance or parting...they remain in our hearts as fresh as ever.

    We love you...

  2. Your Dad has left a precious legacy with you Molly! I'm glad to have found your blog and need to learn the same lessons- enjoying the little things of life! You are so blessed to be able to pass this on to your sweet boys!
