Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Two Little Lines

One year ago I experienced one of the most incredible moments of my life. 

For those of you that don't know Nathan and I tried for almost two years to conceive a child.  This long struggle turned out to be an opportunity for God to get a hold of me and teach me. 

After the first year, I came to a point where I truly believed that I would never be able to conceive a child.  It was at that moment that I realized that this was something far greater than myself.  I finally handed it over to the Lord and realized that even with all of the tricks, if God didn't want me to conceive then it just wasn't going to happen.  I had to learn to have faith that the Lord was going to make my life what he would have it to be regardless of how I was feeling. 

Pregnancy tests became something that I developed such anxiety over.  I just knew every month that the result was going to be the same.  NO!  Every month it was a NO.  However, the October day came that I once again had to take a test.  Before I could blink my eyes I saw two perfect little lines.  I couldn't catch my breath fast enough.  I was pacing all around the house hardly able to breathe.  I called Nathan and my mom and dad.  They were among the first to know.  I hope that that memory remains with me forever.  It was one of the most amazing moments in my life filled with appreciation, hope, fear, amazement and pure excitement. 

From that second I thanked the Lord and prayed that I would be able to carry a healthy baby to term.  All of my prayers were answered (times two) Each day I still thank the Lord for my two healthy baby boys and family. 

Two long hard years to see those two little lines followed by two perfect little boys! 


  1. AMEN! It is as you said...something greater...than ourselves. Many areas of our lives are according to HIS WILL..HIS PERFECT PLAN and HIS DESIRE in our lives for HIS PURPOSE. So often we miss the mark...and then FAITH teaches us; just as you have written...To just trust the LORD.

    Praise the LORD for your submissive heart to HIM, yeilded TWO... double blessings!!

  2. And they are two perfect lil boys...I can't wait to hold them!!!! Love you xo
