Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Where does the time go?

Each day I am reminded how quickly time passes.  It amazes me how quickly the time goes.  I've promised myself over and over that I would cherish every moment and never wish that they were older and to enjoy the age they are in and all of the moments that that age provides us with. 

A few months is nothing when it's just you, but when you watch your infants grow, develop and change over the course of a few months...it seems like a life time!  I know that a mother's goal should be to raise healthy, spiritually minded children....but I don't want them to grow up...is that crazy?!

They will be five months at the end of the month and I can hardly believe it!  When they went to the doctor's last week Asher weighed 13.9 and Nolan weighed 14.6.  They were both 25 inches long.  (They have grown 7 inches since birth and have more than doubled their birth weight!) 

It's been awhile since I've blogged so I have included a few of my favorite pictures so far from this month!
I plan to delay regular "solid" feedings until much later as I do believe that breast milk offers the babies the best of everything that they need at least until 6 months of age...or until the boys let me know otherwise.  However, we have been giving them little tastes of foods.  This is a photo of their messy first time with sweet potatoes.  (I'm sad to say that these were not homemade.  I have made homemade applesauce and homemade carrots though!)  Both of the boys REALLY liked the sweet potatoes!  I think they'll be super excited about Thanksgiving! 

Here is Asher sitting in the "waiting room" as we like to call it.  Being a twin certainly provides several opportunities to learn patience.  Mommy can't change two diapers at the same time...although I am sometimes amazed at all of the things I can do "at the same time.." so somebody has to sit in the waiting room (AKA the unused crib - there's boppy pillows, music, toys, books, little blankets etc...It really is like a waiting room!)

What a big big boy!  Asher is just too sweet.  He was laying on the floor while Mommy and Daddy were eating lunch and he snuggled up with that blanket and took a little nap.  It was very cute.  He really likes this blanket and often puts it over his face when he's ready to go to sleep! 

I recently realized that they are quickly growing out of the "snuggle stage"  They don't really cuddle up on my chest and go to sleep the way that they used to when they were teeny tiny.  I was so busy trying to teach them to sleep independently that I forgot to enjoy those little naps they took while laying with me :D 

BIG BOY JEANS!  We had two Gap gift cards that I've been waiting to use and I finally got to use them!  These jeans are SOOOOOOOOO cute!  Nolan's pair is 6-12 months...That almost made me cry.  Asher and his skinny self is in a 3-6 month pair.  He's so lean.

This is the result of a good walk with Mommy!  Isn't it so sweet!


  1. I want a waiting room like that!! Enjoying your blog, Molly. It's a real blessing!! ;)

  2. Such sweet pictures, Molly. Makes me miss the baby days :) Enjoy them while they last.

  3. These photos made me CRY..not only because they are growing tooo fast..but Nolan is looking more and more like Nathan when he was my LITTLE boy...

    Each new day will be another to cherish...keep the days past in your heart and look forward to the new...

    and when they are grown and come with HUGS you'll even cherish those more...as they come the from THEIR HEART!

    ..they also will one day say:

    "Mommy, you look pretty, today!"

    I've gotta see and hug these boys!!!

  4. the last pic got me...it is soooo cute! Now I'm really upset you're not coming...I want to hold these babies soooo bad....give them lots of kisses from their auntie....Nolan is sooooo Nathan Jr.
